CAL Familes Volunteers are Needed for the Hit-A-Thon
Hitting Volunteers (Numbers 1-4)
1. 2 people - counting hits and tracking foul balls. One on 1st and one on 3rd
2. 2 people - pitching machine - Adjust the pitching machine speed and height for batters. Keep ball buckets full
3. 1 person - coordinate shaggers
4. 1 person - coordinate the batters
All Other Volunteers (Numbers 5–9)
5. Announcer – one or 2 people
a. will be given the names and order to announce
6. 2 people for the check in table
7. 2 people for the money table
8. 3 people for food table
9. 4 people - Take turns checking on the music, bouncer, games and kids
10. 7 to 10 people for set up
If you are able to help make this a fun & successful hit-a-thon for our CAL kids, text Kaycie at 951-809-7067 with your first and last name and the volunteer number (1-10) you are volunteering for.
Ex. Kaycie Avila #9 & #10